Thursday Thoughts: November Disappointment



Bit of a disappointing month as there have been no submissions to the interactive short story aspect of the blog. In lieu of this I will write up a short story based on the example I used in the suggestion post on the 1st. Which was:

[character x] and [character y] find a sack full of money and a severed finger. When they return home with the money they receive a phone call telling them that they must double the finances in the sack within a week or face the same fate as the owner of the severed finger.

If anyone has any comments or feedback they’d like to give about the process of the short story submission and how I could improve it to generate some interest in the monthly event I would be grateful to hear it.

Hopefully things will pick up in December. If you’ve enjoyed this blog so far please follow, share, reblog, repost, like and tweet this to your friends.

Have a wonderful day.

– Andrew



Thursday Thoughts: What My Book Is About…


I’ve been teasing this for a long time, so it’s perhaps overdue that I talk a little more about the novel that I am writing. This is not part of NaNoWrMo (National Novel Writing Month to those that maybe don’t know), though I am considering taking part next year. A recent change in lifestyle has made me examine my creative output and I decided that the best course was to write a book. It’s slow going (I’m marvelling at the NaNoWrMo writers who have surpassed my word count already) but I’ve not felt so creatively liberated in a long time.

I’ve spoken around the subject since I started this blog, revealing the main character’s name (Evin) and I published the first paragraph a while back. So here, finally, is what it is about…

They’re Here tells the story of Evin van Wijk in her own words. Written in the months after she wakes up to find that her parents are missing. Not only are they missing, but their belongings have vanished and they have been erased from any photographer or drawing that featured them. A letter on her doorstep tells Evin that her parents have been taken and that she should never speak of them again.
With the disappearances occurring world-wide, Evin must survive on her own and look for somewhere safe to live. But is the fear of being taken worse than the reality of what is left of the world?

There you have it. I’ve nut-shelled my story for you. I’m having a lot of fun writing this book. Some of it has gone to places that I hadn’t anticipated when I started. I’m looking forward to getting to the end (please see: for more details on that).

Let me know what you think.

Just a reminder that you can get involved with this blog in other ways. and

AND there is one week left to add your short story suggestions here: I want you to challenge me.

– Andrew