Enter Your Short Story Submissions Here

Welcome to October’s Interactive Short Story submission post.

I need your short story idea.
(NB the following is likely to change over the months as we trial what works best)

What I Need From You

  • Character(s) – Protagonist, Antagonist, love interest, etc. Anyone you feel is important. (names optional)
  • Setting – Where does the story take place?
  • What happens – eg. [character x] and [character y] go to the zoo so that [character z] can kill them with a giraffe.
  • Inciting incident – what changes? eg. But it all goes terribly wrong because the giraffe rats [character z] out to the police.
  • A small detail – something you want me to work in to the story. (optional)

You don’t have to include all of those details, though the more detail the better. If there’s something you want to add that you feel is important please do.

Try and put your idea into a short sentence or two, remembering that these submissions will go to vote, keep it snappy.

Submissions will go to reader vote on October 14th 2013 and will be open until midday on October 21st 2013.

I will write your idea as a short story for publishing on this blog.

Thank you for submitting an idea. Without you this blog won’t work.
I look forward to reading your ideas.

– Andrew


  • Please do not use existing works in your submission.
  • Only submissions made in the comment section of this post will be counted, submissions made anywhere else will not be included.
  • I have final say on which 5 story ideas go to the vote, apologies if yours is not chosen.
  • Submissions made after 10.00pm GTM on Sunday 13th October will not be eligible for voting.
  • By submitting a short story suggestion you waive all rights to that story. The copyright to the completed short story will be mine exclusively. By submitting a suggestion you are agreeing to this.

My blog what I will write.

Hello there reader.

I am imaging you wearing a fine hat. Perhaps a bowler hat. Whatever the hat, in my mind you look suitably dashing to be reading this blog.

What is the purpose of this blog?

One word answer: WRITING.

I am attempting to write my first novel. It’s utterly brilliant and I’m sure you will love it. However, I figured that might not make for interesting reading on your behalf, and nor does it seem sufficiently interesting to warrant a whole blog about it.


You are impatient, dear reader, so let me tell you. Once a month I will write a short story between 500-1000 words (though that is an arbitrary figure and not to be taken as gospel) based on a suggestion from… YOU.

On the 1st of every month I will create a post for that month’s submissions where in the comments below you, most exquisite reader, can write a one sentence plot synopsis for a story. The top 5 ideas that I like will then be put to the vote around the 14th of the month. Voting will be open for a week. The idea with the most votes I will write as a short story.

That’s the idea of my blog in a nutshell.

The first post for submissions will go live on the 1st of October. If you have any questions please let me know, though the exact nature of the synopsis will be explained in that post.

If you think this sounds interesting please let your friends know otherwise the 1st of October is going to be a crushing disappointment to me.


– Andrew